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Monday, January 30, 2006

Peace in Israel?

I find it hard to believe that peace in Israel will progress at all now, with Hamas as the new parliamentary majority in the new Palestinian state. Their defined goal is basically to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. So much for the "land for peace" initiatives. And, now they speak of creating a Palestinian "army" with their military (a.k.a., terrorism) branch. Oh, and don't forget that Hamas has stated that they will not cease bombings of Israeli civilians.

It still amazes me all the people who gripe and complain about the War on Terror. Yes, there are casualties of war, as is the case for any war in history -- that is a shame, but it is life. However, when you do nothing and capitulate to evil, evil will reign.

Not that this is any surprise. There will never be peace in Israel, until the end times. The Bible speaks to this in the book of Revelation and in the Books of the Prophets.

A great commentary on this. I'm amazed no one saw this coming....


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