Since my "second job" seems to be computer support, I thought I'd put some tips, tricks and "raspberries" up here for everyone's enjoyment. ...along with plenty of other commentary on music, life, Macs, etc.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Diving In...

Recently, I was able to purchase a new Digital SLR: the Nikon D50. This D50 replaces my current film body, the Nikon N80, which has been a terrific camera. The new D50 is an amazing camera. It functions nearly identically to my N80, but it has the added feature of being able to review my last shot taken. This is simply amazing when using an SLR camera! And, all my Nikkor lenses fit and work on the D50 -- a testament to the Nikon F-Mount. Lenses from the 1950s can still be used on nearly any Nikon SLR or D-SLR.

This isn't my first foray into digital cameras. I started with a series of digital point-and-shoot cameras. First was an Olympus Camedia Brio D-150 Zoom, which broke after falling about 12" on to a carpeted floor -- not the best quality camera, obviously.... The second one was a Casio QV-R40, which was a great, fast camera for outdoor shots. Indoors, it needed an auto-focus (AF) illuminator, which it lacked. But, overall, it took great pictures. My latest digital camera is a Nikon Coolpix 5400 -- a terrific camera with a wide-angle lens (28-105mm equivalent in the film world). The Coolpix 5400 is a great camera for snapshots (and I still use it), but I wanted something more -- something I could manually focus and use all my knowledge of SLRs with. Something that would be the successor to my Nikon N80, which I use when I want to get great shots of family gatherings or vivid travel photos. My N80 has been around the world with me, and I have taken some great shots with it. It has never given me any problems, and I can count on the Nikon Matrix metering exposure to be dead-on.

The Nikon D50 looks to be great SLR camera. I can't wait to get some springtime pictures.... And, maybe some macro shots while we're shut up indoors this winter.

Looks like I made the switch and dove into digital just in time...

Nikon to Stop Making Most Film Camera - Planning to Focus on Digital Photography


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