Since my "second job" seems to be computer support, I thought I'd put some tips, tricks and "raspberries" up here for everyone's enjoyment. ...along with plenty of other commentary on music, life, Macs, etc.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Them Crazy Varmints!

Well, I finally got fed up with the squirrels chewing up my birdfeeders, and I decided to fight back. Can't catch the little boogers (they're too darned fast), so I decided a BB gun was the answer, to deter them from my feeders. Trust me, I have no desire to kill squirrels, but I DO want to tan their backsides as a reminder and to keep them away from my feeders.

Anyways, I found the coolest air pistol I've ever used (at Wal-Mart of all places!). Meet the Crosman PPK/S. It's a knock-off of the famous Walther PPK used by the British Secret Service and 007 himself; and, it has a real slide-bolt action, just like the original. Each time you shoot, the bolt slides backwards to re-cock the gun. It holds a 15-shot removable magazine, to keep them squirrel-poppers coming!

So far, I'm not that good of a shot, apparently. But, the squirrels are afraid of me.... :-)


Blogger Adam Shaw said...

Dum dum dum dum!!!
(james bond theme song)

I bet it's a lot harder to shoot the little guys with a pistol...
Exactly how far away are they?

I can just see you sneaking around the side of your house with your gun like james bond!

The problem with shooting the squirrels is that only the smart ones survive... and those are your biggest problems!

It's not the stupid ones that stand out in the road that are annoying you... it's the squirrel in the stain-less steel helmet and kevlar body suit that you need to be watching out for!

4:57 AM


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